On Mon, Nov 01, 2010 at 12:59:54PM +0100, Stefan Marr wrote:
> On 01 Nov 2010, at 12:06, Alexander Schrijver wrote:
> > Its a minor change and an annoyance to a lot of people. Yes, by not changing
> > this you'r annoying thousands of people.
> Instead of going for this cosmetic nonsense you should help those people on 
> the lemon branch.
> I am insulted every time I have to read a parser token name in an error 
> message, instead of a sensible error message.
> The cost of understanding T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM as part of the current 
> mumbo-jumbo is completely insignificant compared to the cost of actually 
> understanding the error message just indicating what the parser would have 
> expected. 
> Changing to lemon is the only way to actually achieve something in the long 
> run...

Right, and be forced to introduce some bullshit hebrew when its done. No, thank 

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