Hi !

This is my first email here (I'm just a PHP user, with only very basic C 
skills, but I'm working on it), and I would love to contribute to this project.

I have been working with Objective-c lately, and it has a very flexible and 
short way to deal with properties, which could look like this in PHP : 

class TimePeriod {
        protected $seconds;
        protected $minutes;
        protected $hours;

        @synthesize (readwrite) $hours,  $minutes;
        @synthesize (readonly) $seconds;

NB : I intentionally skipped the @property declaration wich I believe is a 
specific need for objc (used to allow dot syntax usage).

In objc, this notation allows to : 

- use dot syntax for accessing properties (using their getters/setters only, 
all properties are protected in objc)
- write your own getters/setters (only the missing ones are generated)

In Php, the pros of this syntax would be : 

- very concise
- no interference with existing code (except certain conditions)
- allows to override generated getters and setters with custom code
- may work with the existing code base

The cons : 

- new syntax to learn (even if it is quite simple)
- need to use pre-determined setters and getters names to keep simplicity, 
which could potentially lead to BC break in some (hopefully rare) cases.

What do you think about it ?



Le 29 nov. 2010 à 17:10, Richard Quadling a écrit :

> 2010/11/29 Ángel González <keis...@gmail.com>:
>> Richard Quadling wrote:
>> setMilliseconds() should have $value as parameter instead of a magic name.
>> What about allowing this syntax to attach the property to a variable?
>> For instance:
>> <?php
>> class TimePeriod
>> {
>>    protected $seconds;
>>    protected $minutes;
>>    protected $hours;
>>    public property Seconds read $seconds write setSeconds;
>>    public property Minutes read $seconds write setMinutes;
>>    public property Hours read $seconds write setHours;
>>    public function setSeconds($seconds)
>>    {
>>        if ($seconds >= 0 && $seconds < 60) $this->seconds = $seconds;
>>    }
>>    public function setMinutes($minutes)
>>    {
>>        if ($minutes >= 0 && $minutes < 60) $this->minutes = $minutes;
>>    }
>>    public function setHours($hours)
>>    {
>>        if ($hours >= 0 && $hours < 24) $this->hours = $hours;
>>    }
>> }
>> We only want to perform checks on write, so instead of writing the trivial
>> getters, the property is set to the variable itself. Child classes could
>> reattach it to a function if needing more control.
> Ouch. I messed up on the example code. Completely forget that there
> was a parameter to process...
> As for reading $seconds directly ...
> Well.
> If you think of the element that follows read as $this->xxxx, then if
> the parser can handle both ...
> read $seconds
> read getSeconds
> then yes for both.
> If not, then I'd guess that the getSeconds version should be the one
> we use as the value may not actually exist without some processing.
> Richard.
> -- 
> Richard Quadling
> Twitter : EE : Zend
> @RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY
> --
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