Personally, as a user-land developer, I'm against it, so -1.
function keyword is the only sane way to quickly find a function
definition in lots of code. Not always IDE's are able to fully
understand the interconnections in frameworks and point by CTRL +
Click me to the function definition, not to say that in many cases you
just don't have that IDE available right now and right here.
Now it's quite easy to make a search on a folder recursively - just
enter "function blah" and here you go - one entry with the function
definition. Try that with the function/method name without the
"function" keyword, good luck with going through tons of entries.

I deal with typing the whole "public/private function blabla() {" by
defining a auto complete shortcut like "prfnc => space => private
function |(){" where | is cursor.

Please keep it KISS way. Language should evolve for sure, but some
things are not just worth sacrificing the verbosity even if it means
cuts typing some of the most common keywords in the language and can
be perfectly done keeping the BC.

P.S. Personally I will prohibit my developers to use the short syntax
without the "function" keyword.

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