Object properties (or members, classic ->var, not this proposed syntax) 
CURRENTLY, work this way:

php -r 'class foo { public $bar; } $foo = new foo(); 

This is because you are confusing PHP's isset() with a property_exists(). Is 
set. Is the variable (or member/property)
set to a value?

In this case, both isset() and unset() work with the property get/set you are 
proposing. Imagine:

$results = $db->query('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM some_table WHERE foo = 

if (isset($results->count)) {
        foreach ($results->getResult() as $result) {
                // Do something

where isset() would hit:

protected property count {
        isset {
                $result = $this->execute('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
                $this->count = $result->getColumn();
                if ($this->count == 0) {
                        return false;
                return false;

Not an ideal example, but it gives you an IDEA off the top of my head of a way 
to take advantage of it

- Davey

On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:31 PM, presid...@basnetworks.net wrote:

>>> That is true for PHP variables.  isset is basically saying "does this
>>> variable exist", and unset is saying to get rid of it.
>> This is also true for object properties - see magic methods. I don't see
>> why you shouldn't be able to unset them - you can do that with regular
>> properties... So what you imagine would happen if you call
>> unset($foo->property) or isset($foo->property)?
> As I replied elsewhere:
> Its not a matter of consistency - Properties, as a cross-language concept
> are not meant to work that way.  You need to think of a property as a set
> of two methods that just have a pretty syntax.  Methods cannot be unset,
> and nor should properties be allowed to.  isset() should simply tell us
> whether a property with the specified name is part of the class or not.
> isset() in the way you suggest would just be confusing.  It would allow is
> to say that a property does not exist, when in fact it does exist.  This
> is not logical.
> __isset is a whole different matter, without it we would have to assume
> that every possible member name in a class either exists or does not
> exist.  This is because __isset, __get, __set and __unset can handle ANY
> member name.
> Properties are bound to a single member name, therefore, they always
> exist, unless you were to physically remove that property from the class,
> which, like methods, that is not possible.
> - Dennis
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