On 5 December 2010 16:47,  <presid...@basnetworks.net> wrote:
> If I have an object called "PiggyBank", with the property "dollars" set to
> 5, "dimes" set to 4 and "nickles" set to 1, then I get the contents of the
> property "Total", I can predict it will give me the value 5.45.  That is
> what properties are really for.

To me, the "balance" on my piggy bank is a readonly, dynamic attribute/property.

OK. Piggy bank is too small an entity. My kids' piggy banks have only
1 user per bank. The balance changes rarely 'cause they don't do a lot
of housework. Yet.

But for a larger entity, something with many people altering data via
an "instrument of change" (a term I got from Sage Accounting a long
time ago), then the "balance" on an account will change in unknown

And a synthetic property like "AvailableBalance" will certainly look
like a random value, whilst orders are taken during the day and
invoices raised and payments allocated. All in real time. A real world

What I'm confused by is what you would consider a property? Why does
predictability matter? Not all properties of an entity are
predictable. My kids have an attribute of "mood". They sure as hell
aren't predictable.

If you have a clock object, the "time" is a readonly, dynamic
property/attribute of a clock. Makes sense?

You would want $clock->time as a property. Not $clock->getTime().
Well. OK. You _COULD_ and it would solve all the issues you have with
dynamic, readonlys, but "time" is a property.

What would you expect to be the natural behaviour of unset($clock->time); ?

If I have to call getTime(), then I've just got setters/getters
(__magic will do). Suddenly time is no longer a property of a clock.

I can see we have very different opinions about the implementation and
the possible use of properties. I'm quite happy with that. Either way,
I think the basic proposal is very good. I've always wanted
setters/getters in PHP specifically to implement readonly/writeonly
attributes when I went from Delphi to PHP. The concept of grouping
these together into a "property" (like C#), rather than having actual
set and get methods (like Delphi) certainly does keep things together.
I think being able to call the getter/setter as part of fluid
interface would be useful. For each property, there would be getxxx,
setxxxx, issetxxxx, unsetxxxx. That may look useful and I think for
those that build classes like ORM systems, then probably of no issue
and would be a major feature. But maybe too much for others not using
that level of technology.

As you can see, I'm not happy with having to keep with a "method" to
update what I would consider a "property" (semantics and all that).
I'm not happy with isset() calling the getter. But I'll adapt. I don't
have the core knowledge or experience to argue much beyond what I've
already said.

The only thing I can think of though is __get can return a seemingly
random value for an undefined property. In keeping with that, why
couldn't a real property? In PHP's terms (not C#), what's the


Richard Quadling
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