Hi Ben:

On 03 Jan 2011, at 10:04, Ben Schmidt wrote:

> In this email thread you seemed to be saying that properties defined in
> traits are completely ignored, but in the RFC and svn it seems to be
> saying that properties in traits are not ignored, but are merged into
> the class and/or trigger errors/warnings. So, which is it? Ignored or
> not? Or is some aspect of them ignored and some aspect not?
The RFC was discussed on this list, and the RFC should explain what the current 
state of the implementation is. So, the RFC and the implementation are the 
specifications. In case they differ it has to be fixed.

With regard to state, from my academic point of view, it is not handled, 
however, the language should be now in a shape which provides my interpretation 
of 'expected behavior' with regard to property definitions.
When they collide, you get a notice, but the language does not help you in 
solving the problem.

Best regards

Stefan Marr
Software Languages Lab
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / Belgium
Phone: +32 2 629 2974
Fax:   +32 2 629 3525

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