You don't need a form to receive bad user input.

Also, I am not really inclined to write $v = isset($_POST['x']) ? (is_array($_POST['x']) ? 'something else that makes more sense' : $_POST['x'] ) : null; just to avoid catching a fatal.

- M.

On 6/2/2011 10:50 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 02.06.2011 16:24, schrieb Marcel Esser:
I am not convinced that making this an error is a good idea.

If I receive a $_GET/$_POST value that I expect to be a string value, but I 
actually received an array, this would
mean I need to now explicitly check for it, since it will stop the runtime 
so fix your code jesus christ
what do you do if you expect a string and get an array?
nothing useful!

you can get this only by define name="multi[]" in a form
and so if you define there post an array you should not
expect a string in the code, this is exactly a sample where
a fatal error should be thworn to force peopole not writing
crappy code which floods my error-logs if anybody out there
means to put a self-written script on our servers with
E_ALL | E_STRICT which are running in this mode since years

would this be an error the blind developers would see them
even on their development-machines

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