On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 11:55 -0400, Mike Robinson wrote:
> I'm wondering if adding a prompt for the mysql username and password,
> with the defaults set as is, would be possible, and if so, if someone
> were to offer a patch why it shouldn't be considered.

since you would need quite a few prompts. It's not about MySQL only what
about other databases? We also have other tests which are configurable
in one way or the other. But you can easily set the mentioned
environment variables and be done.

> IMHO, if the defaults were used and the tests ran successfully, I'd
> be tempted to display a console message along the lines of "your myself
> default root credentials are wide open, are you being silly?" 

Well as Stas said - on a developer machine where MySQL is not lsitening
to the outside and doesn't store confidential data there is no harm in
having a mysql root without password. Anybody who can exploit it can
already execute arbitrary code which is way more critical.

(who doesn't get the excitement in this thread)

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