Am 18.08.2011 00:46, schrieb Reindl Harald:
Wouldn't it be a good idea to specify here a user/pwd/database for
build-systems without force them open root without password?

SKIP mysql_get_host_info() [ext/mysql/tests/mysql_get_host_info.phpt] reason: 
Can't connect to MySQL Server -
[1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

Please, configure the tests to use whatever database user you want them to use prior to running.

If nothing else is configured, the tests need to make a guess on the on the DB credentials. The guess is user="root", password="" as such a DB account is available when doing, for example, a source installation of MySQL.

Have a look at . It tries to check the environment for variable to allow for easy configuration but ultimately has some defaults in it. This is a common pattern, for example, check . If no configuration done through environment settings, OCI8 tests default to DB user "system", password "oracle" - whatever user that is.

grep -R getenv ext/*/tests/*.inc
 -> ext/ldap
 -> ext/mysqli
 -> ext/mysql
 -> ext/oci8
 -> ext/pdo_mysql
 -> ext/pdo_pgsql
 -> ext/pdo
 -> ext/sybase

grep -R getenv ext/*/tests/*.phpt
 -> ext/curl
 -> ext/pdo_<pretty_much_all_of_them>

A potential pitfall that affects all test writers trying to allow configuration via environment settings is the - certainly sensible - variables_order setting found in php.ini-development and php.ini-production.

php.ini-development:variables_order = "GPCS"
php.ini-production:variables_order = "GPCS"

If any of the two is used as a configuration file for running tests through run-tests.php, run-tests.phpt will not be able provide tests with all environment variables, . run-tests.php relies on $_ENV and $_ENV is empty.

To make a long story short: tests may require manual configuration prior to running.


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