please do it

we are using mysqlnd on some hundret domains with all sort of php-software
since PHP 5.3.3 (the first 5.3 version we used) and thinking back how
hard it was to get the fedora-srpm chnaged to build with mysqlnd
my opinion is drop the libmysql-support completly

you named the main-reason for that: auto-tests

supporting both without a real good reason will have permanently
side-effects covered in bugreports and instead maintain two code-paths
from the view of quality it would be better to optimize mysqlnd
if there is something missing what i do not know now

Am 02.09.2011 14:27, schrieb Johannes Schlüter:
> Hi,
> when building PHP using
>   (I) ./configure --with-mysql --with-mysqli --with-pdo-mysql
> you currently get a build using the system default libmysql, usually
> in /us or
> such. Alternatively PHP can be built using
>  (II) ./configure --with-mysqli=mysqlnd [...]
> to build the MySQL extensions using the mysqlnd library.
> I would like to change mysqlnd's config9.m4 file to build PHP using
> mysqlnd when being called in form (I). Users would still be able to
> enforce libmysql by passing a path, like /usr.
> There are two main reasons I see for this:
>   a) Different libmysql versions have slightly different behavior,
>      which shows in our tests. We can't have both, a good test coverage
>      and cover all these differences. By using mysqlnd we have a clear
>      behavior every PHP developer can rely on.
>   b) We provide different extensions (pecl/mysqlnd_*) which
>      improve/extend mysqlnd functionality. By having mysqlnd as default
>      these are better usable by users.
> Opinions?
> johannes

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