Thank you Nikita for take this subject here!

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 10:01, Ferenc Kovacs <> wrote:

> don't break there but for the next ';'.

You can also just count the number of semantic token after T_HALT_COMPILER
(ie excluding whitespace and comments) and once you hit 3, halt.

less confusing solution would be to explicitly add '(', ')' and ';' to the
> result in the T_HALT_COMPILER condition before breking out of the
> loop.

If you mean verifying that '(', ')' and (';' or T_CLOSE_TAG) are effectively
following T_HALT_COMPILER, I think that's part of the syntax analyser's job,
not tokenizer's.
If you're ok with this argument, then just couting 3 tokens is really the
most basic "syntax analysis" we have to do to fix the pb, don't you think?

> could there be other important tokens after the __halt_compiler()
> which should be present in the token_get_all() result?

Maybe the binary data itself, as a big T_INLINE_HTML for example ?

Also, if token_get_all you be made binary safe, that would be very cool !
(no more eating of \x00-\x1F inside regular code) :)


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