On 10/06/2011 05:55 PM, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> On 10/6/11 5:31 PM, Daniel K. wrote:
>> A patch was appended, discussed, and improved, and I have uploaded a
>> test-case, as well as a minimal patch that fixes the problem (attached)
>> to the original bug-report.
>>      https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=55754
>> The patch still applies to trunk, and I think it should be applied to
>> the 5.3 and 5.4 branches as well.
> As far as I can see, the patch looks good, so it can be applied to 5.4 
> and trunk. If I don't hear any objections and nobody beats me to it, 
> I'll do it in a couple of days (a bit busy now).

OK, thanks.

But what about 5.3? there is no ABI issue with this, just a spurious
warning that goes away.

Daniel K.

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