Hey Internals,

I'm trying to add a new method to SplDoublyLinkedList named "clear"

I've successfully compiled please see the output:

$dll = new \SplDoublyLinkedList();
array(23) {
 string(5) "clear"

So my clear method is there, but as soon as i try to call it in the
code by doing:

I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function  new \SplDoublyLinkedList() in
- on line 2

Without the call to clear, the class works as normal.

Here are the 2 entries i've made:
SPL_ME(SplDoublyLinkedList, clear,           arginfo_dllist_void,
SPL_METHOD(SplDoublyLinkedList, clear)

Can someone help me out?

Paul Dragoonis.

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