On Mon, 09 Jan 2012 04:59:09 +0100, Paul Dragoonis <dragoo...@gmail.com>
Hey Internals,
I've finished the patch, and with approval i'd like to push to trunk,
even though i'm aware we have a 5_4 branch code freeze.
Can someone review my work and provide feedback/approval?
[1] https://gist.github.com/1580974
Just a few comments:
* There's zend_parse_parameters_none, which basically expands to what
you've done.
* We use tabs for indentation not space (tabstop 4)
* Leave a space between "while" and the parenthesis.
* Your declarations should be on the top of a block, otherwise compilers
that don't implement that C99 feature (like Microsoft's Visual C++) will
reject them.
* In C (though not in C++), you don't have to add casts on conversions
from void*. This is more of an opinion, but I also think you shouldn't
because otherwise if you forget an include, you won't get a warning on the
conversion of the implicit int return of undeclared functions to your
target pointer type.
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