I added it at the top, I hope that's ok.

the URL is https://github.com/tom--/php-cs_random_bytes

Thanks for pointing that out

On 1/9/12 7:54 AM, "Pierre Joye" <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:

>pls add it to the RFC, the right one as this one is a 404.
>On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 2:58 AM, Tom Worster <f...@thefsb.org> wrote:
>> I forgot the URL: https://github.com/tom--/php-cs_random_bytesemo
>> :X
>> tom
>> On 1/8/12 8:56 PM, "Tom Worster" <f...@thefsb.org> wrote:
>>>I have also set up a github repo with 4 files in it. It is a first hack
>>>a function that does part of what I described in the RFC. It's based on
>>>the interface of openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() and the guts of
>>>mcrypt_create_iv(). It is provisionally named cs_random_bytes().
>>>For now it builds and works at least this much:
>>>$ sapi/cli/php -r 'echo bin2hex(cs_random_bytes(8)) . PHP_EOL;'
>>>The hard work will be implementing the $is_strong_result flag in a
>>>platform independent way. You need to read the status of the entropy
>>>The current code does that for Linux (maybe?). On FreeBSD you use
>>>sysctl(3) to read kern.random.sys.seeded. On OS X you ask securityd.
>>>Windows is actually easier.
>>>And what about other OSs? What is PHP normally tested on and would that
>>>a suitable guide for cs_random_bytes()?
>>>In any case, I am no C programmer. I'm just a web dev. I don't even know
>>>how to ask if sysctl(3) is present.
>>>On 1/8/12 7:42 PM, "Tom Worster" <f...@thefsb.org> wrote:
>>>>I added the new RFC https://wiki.php.net/rfc/csrandombytes which is in
>>>>first draft.
>> --
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