On 1/9/12 10:39 AM, "Thomas Hruska" <thru...@cubiclesoft.com> wrote:

>I'm glad someone is doing something about making more sources of
>randomness in PHP.

I am pleased to hear it.

>Instead of a 'bool', use an 'int' for $is_strong_result but more
>accurately call it $result_strength.  Assign a minimum recommended
>threshold in the documentation against which application developers can
>act.  That is, let the application developer decide what the minimum
>strength is that they are willing to accept.  Otherwise, from an
>application developer's perspective, it will appear to be some arbitrary
>internal decision and won't really be a significant improvement over
>other PHP functions - it'll just be one more confusing option to pick

The RFC has its lengthy name because this effort aims to add an API to the
system CSPRNG and nothing else.

The various system CSPRNGs, to the best of my knowledge, are not able to
provide a randomness metric. They indicate if they are adequately seeded
or not. Hence $is_strong_result is a boolean. If we limit to the scope as
currently defined then I do not see how to introduce a "degree of true
randomness" result.

>As an aside, I recently developed a sufficient-for-most-needs CSPRNG in
>pure PHP:
>Thomas Hruska
>CubicleSoft President
>Barebones CMS is a high-performance, open source content management
>system for web developers operating in a team environment.
>An open source CubicleSoft initiative.
>Your choice of a MIT or LGPL license.

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