
great to see progress!

I have some small questions, please don't feel offended, I just want to know and understand: - According to this website there are still 94 test failures in 5.4 . Can you confirm all of them are minor problems?
- There was this problem with 5.3.7 and the crypt() bug. Has there been some improvement in the process of handling test failures? For example mark expected failures as expected failures, and fix the tests or the code? Or are the failing tests "stable" since month and all of them are minor problems? - There have been 319 unique failed tests in RC5, reported by user tests. Is someone looking into them and trying to classify and/or fix them?

All in all the number of test failures still feels very high, I would be interested in your opinion. Is this "normal" for big projects like this?

Again, please take these questions as normal questions, I don't want to attack anybody, I'm just interested in the process and relatively new to internal PHP development.

Thanks for your work on PHP!

Am 19.01.2012 23:55, schrieb Stas Malyshev:

We'll be announcing RC6 very soon, and we're planning the final release for February 2nd. The two weeks in between are meant for testing and finding out any critical issues that could prevent us from releasing 5.4.0. If we have none of these, we will proceed with the release. To ensure this release would not have any "surprises", I am asking again to hold your commits to 5.4 branch unless you have a critical bug fix AND it is approved by the RMs (myself and David).
Thanks for your help!

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