On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Christopher Jones
<christopher.jo...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 01/24/2012 03:36 AM, Jason Gerfen wrote:
>> I just have a general question regarding patch inclusions. When a
>> patch is submitted is there a formal review and testing of the patch
>> prior to inclusion? From what I have been following from this list is
>> that the process is patches get applied to new/existing bug/feature
>> requests, bug fixes are priority numero uno, test cases should
>> accompany new functions then testing? How likely are patches which may
>> receive low usage from developers still applied?
> What you see on this list and on IRC (#php.pecl on EFNet) is what
> happens.  It can take some persistence for people without commit karma
> to get low interest patches applied because it can be hard to find a
> reviewer/committer.  Having a clean patch with clear testcases helps.

Good to know.

When you say 'clear' test cases, I assume you mean a .phpt file which
calls and evaluates any new function as well as its available options.

>> Also, besides the usual retrieving latest testing branch, compiling
>> running tests etc. how else can one help?
> There are bugs to be triaged, documentation to be updated
> (https://edit.php.net), the website prototype to be completed
> (http://prototype.php.net/), information about PHP development
> processes to be gathered & shared (I'm thinking about git here), new
> community members to be greeted...

So my best bet in contributing is to try my hand at patching bugs vs.
implementing feature requests as I did in

> Chris
> --
> Email: christopher.jo...@oracle.com
> Tel:  +1 650 506 8630
> Blog:  http://blogs.oracle.com/opal/


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