Guys, you probably are too deep into the discussion that you haven't
noticed an elephant Zeev has put into the room. When the RFC procces was
put in place there was a rule outlined - if core devs decide to reject,
it's rejected. And as Zeev said last time core dev team decided that there
will be no strict typing in PHP, period (btw, Zeev thanks for reminding
that). It's open source - if you want it badly, fork, patch and have your
party with black jack and girls.

Zeev i have just have one question - is it worth trying to get the type
hinting "the PHP way" (that converting thing that errors only on really bad
missmatches like asking for int and getting an array or object)? I
understand the argument that if rules of conversion are not changed, then
basically not much is changed. But from the code writing prespective it
becomes easier, because with converting type hint you do not need to make
explict conversions all over the code - it's done at calll time and that
simplifies things, sometimes a lot. Second - the reflection then does not
rely on phpdoc to get the types (and i remember there was an issue with
opcode caching and phpdoc being stripped and so not avaliable).
It good to have array and object hints, but i miss the
integer/string/boolean/double hints more times than i want to admit really

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