On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 17:08:07 +0100, Alan Knowles <a...@akbkhome.com> wrote:

However with E_STRICT included we have to run around and find all the code, and change it to stuff like this:

error_reporting(E_ALL & E_STRICT ? E_ALL ^ E_STRICT : E_ALL);

Could we please revert that, and if people want an all encompasing error mode, call it E_ANAL, like it was supposed to be...

Whatever the merits, this change was discussed and approved unanimously with 58 votes in favor (see https://wiki.php.net/todo/php54/vote ). There would have to be a very compelling reason to revert this change, especially in a minor version.

Moreover, since you upgraded PHP 5.4, you can also change the global php.ini to exclude E_STRICT. If your applications change the error reporting level, then, if they are sane, they do it in a centralized place, which would also be easy to change.

Plus, it seems odd that you're running with display_errors in production. The "users see the errors and report them" seems even odder. What a waste of their time. Why don't you just log them? You can also automatically send e-mails when these errors occur (e.g. with an error handler -- from which, btw, you can exclude E_STRICT errors -- or with syslog).

Gustavo Lopes

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