
Quick question:  how would this work with require_once?

Let's say that I have a class Foo defined in a file without a
namespace declaration.

What happens if I require_once with a namespace first (so Foo gets
imported into the namespace), and then require_once later without a
namespace?  Should it require twice?  Which then could break things
(if there was procedural or initialization code in there)...  If not,
then you won't have Foo in the root namespace, and lead to other


On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 11:05 AM, Michael Morris <dmgx.mich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/changes_to_include_and_require
> Since the reaction to the first of the two suggestions was largely
> negative I've withdrawn it for now to focus on the second of the two
> changes.  In all honestly, these two suggestions should have had
> independent RFC's from the start.
> Of the two suggestions this one has the more profound implications to
> the language even if it is simpler to implement.  Thoughts?
> --
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