1. I had fun with a couple of small git merges today.  I was trying to
   use local clones as briefly outlined on irc by dsp.  The goal is to
   have different local directories for each of the three branches:
   5.3, 5.4 and 'trunk'.  The resulting pushes I made today are a
   little strange and need reviewing/reverting.  For example my
   oci8/README fix doesn't seem to have got merged to 5.3.  At some
   stage somehow '21 commits' got merged to PHP 5.4.  I swear 'git
   diff' was only showing my changes.

2. Long term, to document the desired steps (as opposed to those I was
   doing), Alexey Shein worked out some scenarios:


   He prefers the 2nd set 'README-3'. These steps are untested and
   there may still be issues with handling NEWS.  Suggestions welcome.
   Note these use https for my behind-a-firewall situation.


PS dsp is (or should be) busy with studying, so there might be a
hiatus or slow down for git migration.

Email: christopher.jo...@oracle.com
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