On Apr 5, 2012, at 8:22 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:

> On 04/05/2012 07:55 PM, Sébatien Durand wrote:
>> IMHO, PHP is a great template language. This is what makes it so simple 
>> and powerful, compared to other web languages.
>> So far, we have "<?php", "<?=" and various legacy syntaxes like "<?".
>> A suggestion : deprecate these old tags and replace them with a more 
>> elegant and a shorter implementation.
>> For example : "<%" and "<%=" or "{%" and "{{" ?
>> What do you think, guys ?
> It is well past April 1.

Here's Rasmus proposing <?php back in 1997, for PHP 3: 


Discussion ensues, and we end up with multiple tags. Too bad. ;)
Oh, and here's a list of possible possible options from back then,
taken from that thread:

  1. <? code ?>
  2. <?{whitespace} code ?>
  3. <?php code ?>
  4. <% code %>
  5. (1) and (3) combined using some fancy hard-to-code 
     scanner with dedicated XML support.
  6. <?_ code _?>
  7. <_ code _>
  8. <: code :>
  9. << code >>
  10. <?: code :?>
  11. <?? code ??>
  12. <[ code ]>
  13. <{ code }>

Anyway, just a brief out-of-context look at the past. Woot!

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