Am 06.04.2012 23:54, schrieb Tom Boutell:
> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 5:39 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:

>> what do you expect by propose work for many people
> Oh I'm sorry, do we need to start every feature suggestion with a
> description of exactly who will do the work?

the "who" in such cases are ALL developers out there damned
can i send you the invoice for my time if your ideas
would be realizedß if no shut up!

propsoing BC incompatible changes FOr NOTHING is
forcing thousands of users changing many
thousands of files for nothing while they
end in make them incompatible for older

in which world do you live that you have no useful work bseides
changing  perfect working code?

>> why are you making this whitespaces?
>> fix your editor or get an IDE removing them at save
> Right, workarounds forever, nothing should be fixed at the source.

what is a workaround in not make useless whitespaces?

where is your feature request to remove shebang of
bash-scripts and where is your whining that the are
not woring with windows-linebreaks

>> you are not in the position to dictate how people are working
> You'll note I acknowledged bc is necessary. But you don't seem to be
> able to stop yelling anyway.

yes, i am not able to stop calling people to lazy
writing <?php and not write whitespaces in front

>> there are differences between projects, classes and
>> rapid-development and thousands of good reasons
>> using <input type="text" value="<?=$myvar?> forever
>> while you will not do this in many other projects
>> and lcass files
> Thousands of good reasons to get pwn3d by XSS attacks! Yay!

it is not the problem of the scripting-language
that idiots do not sanitize their variables

do you believe echo $var; is protected by god himself
or what let you imagine there is any difference?

>> but you are not realizing that extensuions are meaningless
>> in the real world - you can configure httpd to parse .wtf
>> with PHP
> That's a valid point. So the cli gets a default behavior based on
> extension (and options to remap it), and FPM and mod_php get options
> so you can configure them to do the right thing.

what is the right thing?

gining another config-choic e to make every script
on different hosting-providers more and more a
gambling machine because you never know if you
should write yur code with <?pghp or without?

> This wouldn't be an easy one and perhaps it's not practical, but
> that's no reason to be venomous.

yes it is not practical
so please leave the world in peace with your theory
and take whatever language you want if your are not
staisfied with the oprinciples of PHP

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