> From: Arvids Godjuks <arvids.godj...@gmail.com>
> To: Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com>
> Cc: PHP internals list <internals@lists.php.net>, Yasuo Ohgaki 
> <yohg...@ohgaki.net>
> Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 03:26:16 +0300
> Subject: Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] New .phpp File Type for Pure-Code PHP Scripts
> Well, I just don't know how i can appeal to common sence to some people on
> the list anymore. First the type hinting threads, now this.

That was my reaction as well. Why someone would spend this much time
and documentation on such a trivial issue, I'm at a loss. Don't we
have bigger fish to fry?

> The world does not work only on one web server and there are different type
> ls of them out there. I for once use nginx and i configure how to run
> scripts by locations, not by file types. I just pass the params to fastcgi
> server thet runs a php binary. And it does not.care about the extension. I
> can use any extension.l for my code. Yes, i use .php, others use. phtml or
> other variants. Extensions are just a convension, nothing more. You can
> give a file any or none extension at all and it will not change a thing.Ok,
> in windows you will not be able to open the file in a program by double
> click, but through the open dialog in the app - be my guest. To PHP,
> fastcgi and the web server it does not matter. It just matters to people so
> they can distingush between a php file, js file and a css file.

This is what I was thinking, plus this: the closing tag isn't even
required to begin with, so you can really think of "<?php" as a 5-byte

I don't see how getting rid of the file-type, and relying on
file-extension instead, is in any way a good thing. For one, IDEs
would need updates, because they use the opening tag to enable

If anyone should learn from this, it's the other way around - perhaps
other scripting languages should use a small header to declare the

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