On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Lester Caine <les...@lsces.co.uk> wrote:

> Kris Craig wrote:
>> Please review these things, *then *post a response.  Thank you.
> If you want this SO badly, just fork a copy of PHP and implement it how
> you want it. That is at least the good thing to come out of moving the code
> management yet again ... if others want it as well they can clone from your
> copy, or from the other versions being proposed. The advantage of DVCS is
> that all of these ideas can be played with in parallel.

 Are you familiar with Godwin's Law?  It states that the probability of
somebody making a Hitler comparison approaches 1 as an online debate
progresses and is often interpreted to mean that the first person who
invokes such a comparison in an online argument automatically loses said

I think we should consider adopting a similar law on the Internals list for
people who respond to RFCs with, "If you don't like (the suggestion | the
way PHP currently behaves), why don't you just (create your own fork | find
another language)?"

It has been my observation that this point almost inevitably winds up being
made if a debate regarding any sort of change goes on long enough.
 Sometimes it's used to attack a new idea, other times it might be used to
attack someone who opposes a new idea.  In both instances, it amounts to
little more than a clumsy, heavy-handed way of declaring, "I represent true
PHP and you don't, so shut up and go away."  It doesn't actually add any
constructive substance to the debate and typically just serves to anger the
receiving party, as it essentially comes across as arrogant and dismissive.

So no, I will not dignify your forking demand with a direct response.  You
don't "speak for" PHP any more than I do, so you don't get to declare what
gets "forked" and what doesn't.  That's a main reason why we now have an
RFC process.  Whether or not it passes will come down to the vote.  So in
the meantime, let's stick to discussing the issue on its merits, ok?

Oh and if anybody has any suggestions on what to call this new "law" I
conjured-up, I'd love to hear them!  Super bonus points go to funny and/or
ridiculous names.  =)

> I have yet to be convinced there is any merit in forcing this on everybody
> else, so something that can be loaded just by those who want it seems the
> logical way forward. If it does get included in the general distribution,
> then I WILL be branching my own copy of PHP and leaving it off!

Umm since when does creating/discussing a proposal that is ultimately voted
on by the community constitute "forcing [it] on everybody else?!"  This is
another example of the hyperbolic rhetoric I've been referring to.  The
community will decide by a majority vote whether or not this should be a
feature in PHP 6.0.

By threatening to branch your own competing version of PHP if everybody
doesn't vote your way, isn't it *you* who's trying to force your agenda on
everybody else?


> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
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