Kris Craig wrote:
An argument could be made that, as the users of PHP, they should be able to have some say in its development.

As a PHP developer (that is, a developer who writes in PHP), I'd agree, *to an extent*. There are certainly things that I'd like to be able to vote on (such as additions to the language/syntax and things such as .phpp). However, I've got no idea how easy such things are to implement, so I don't feel qualified to even ask to be able to vote.

However, these things are going to influence me as a developer, so I'd like to be able to vote.

Take, as an example, the .phpp debates. (Just as an example.) If I didn't like it, I'd like to be able to vote against it to avoid having to handle it later. However, if I *was* for it, I wouldn't feel qualified to comment, as I have no idea how hard these things are to implement.

(Just my $0.02. Apologies if this is confusing, I'm a mixture of tired and distracted.)

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