> At most, I'd remove the part that truncates numeric strings like
> "123abc" and always convert them to 0, because that's almost *never*
> an intended effect. 

I too find it hard to think of the situation in which data must be
stored, even in a temporary form, as "123abc" but is meant to be
equivalent to 123. But it obviously has happened a bunch after all
these years.

Maybe a non-accidental example is where "123a", 123b", and "123c" are
all expected to be juggled to 123 -- i.e. the code is purposely
utilizing the PHP behavior in place of explicit truncation in order to
group certain items together. I'm 99.999% sure I've never done this,
but it would be devilishly hard to find the bugs that would come from
changing this behavior. Enough that I could see it being a major event
that tarnishes the release of PHP-dot-whatever-makes-this-change.

I also want to point out, as I did the other month when this came up,
that MySQL does autoconversion that is identical to this case [1], and
with **MP pairings so absurdly common, it makes sense to keep this
behavior in PHP for this reason alone.

-- S.

[1] SELECT '123abc' = 123 // true in MySQL (but not in all RDBMSes)

> One could argue that "123" == 123 is, however.

> On May 7, 2012, at 6:25 PM, Raymond Irving wrote:

>> I was very surprised when I came across the == issue sometime ago. IMO
>> strings should be compared as strings. They should never be converted to
>> integer.
>> 1=="1"          // always convert the number value to a string and then
>> compare it
>> "foo" == 0    //  should return false
>> "123abc" == "123nth" // compare as string. Do not convert to numeric values
>> "0"==0     //  true
>> 0=="0."  // false
>> PHP is great but if we can work together to remove the flaws, then we can
>> make it even greater. We have to leave the past behind us and look at where
>> we want PHP to be in the next 5 years
>> Best regards,

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