Could be, xcache is definetly dummer in features and it is its feature. I
guess it helps it to keep up with releases. I will investigate this today,
maybe get some interesting results worth to share here.
03.07.2012 16:54 пользователь "Rasmus Lerdorf" <> написал:

> On 07/03/2012 09:49 AM, Arvids Godjuks wrote:
> > One one side it's good to know i'm not wrong, on the other hand it's sad
> > in this case.
> > Sure about one thing - xcache is worth looking at and may be a better
> > choise than APC and has better potential.
> > One thing sure - I haven't heard anyone complaining about xcache.  And
> > heard many complains about APC.
> Well, that is simply not true. We get a lot of, "I tried xcache, but it
> didn't work, so now I am trying APC" type of messages and bug reports in
> the APC world.
> -Rasmus

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