On 15/07/12 22:07, Alex Aulbach wrote:
> 2012/7/14 Andrew Faulds <ajf...@googlemail.com>:
>> Well... if people have poorly configured servers spitting out debug
>> info in production mode, I don't think it is our problem. It is
>> theirs.
> Do you want to make it secure or do you want to discuss?
Seems Andrew mail didn't get to the list.
Yes, production servers shouldn't be showing debug info. But we know
that a large fraction of them do.
As coder of a php application, I often can't set the configuration of
the system
where it will be installed. Sometimes not even the person installing it
can set
it correctly (eg. shared hostings), it can be changed under your foot
(eg. an update,
someone did so to debug a different application...) or even be set
explicitely (I
want my users to warn me when they see errors !).
If spitting out errors prevented XHTML validation, I wouldn't care that
much (obviously,
the code shouldn't generate the warning to begin with, but it's not a
big deal if users
were briefly shown it). But we are talking about passwords and password
hashes. Not
something you want to risk exposing. Specially when we are trying to
make a good
interface to encourage secure handling of passwords.

PS: Alex, your non-displayable exception would indeed work (although I
would make it
a class property).

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