Ok. I think, I go too much off topic. Sorry.

But I want to repeat
- we never know in which context the program will run. And good
security means, thait it shouldn't care, in which context it runs.
- everything, which can go wrong will go wrong (Murphy); if there is
any chance to make it wrong, there will be someone, which make it
wrong. (and in this case they will point to PHP: "see, I have said it
is unsecure..." :) ).
- in security context this means: The hashes will be stolen/we can
login without password etc.
- No documentation or any other thing can prevent that
- So we need to do everything, which is possible to avoid it. The best
thing would be, that we can guarantee, that it is not possible.
- As positive side-effect we can have more possibilities in PHP :)

More off topic:
Let me explain that last sentence: I dont know exactly how this can be
implemented, but I think every warning, error and so on could be an
exception instead. Just an idea, but I think this can remove
complexity, because - even if I think the current error-handling is
quite well designed - it is a source of sercurity-problems (and some
other more or less ugly things). I think about a default
exception-handling which can be overridden (like the error-handlers).
Could be an interesting concept. :) And of course its something which
needs time.

Alex Aulbach

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