On Aug 2, 2012 5:44 PM, "Yahav Gindi Bar" <g.b.ya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know how to tag this kind of discussion (because it's not RFC
> request).
> I've interested in runkit PECL extension and think that it should be part
> of the PHP core runtime.
> I do think that the implementation should be different and don't mind to
> suggest my implementation as RFC, but firstly I wish to know if you think
> that the core idea to be able to add extension methods to classes is good
> idea, so I won't start to implement a new feature without a reason (I'd
> start it but since I've saw runkit I think that we can discuss the idea
> first).
> I think that a code similier to this will be great:
> class Foo {
>      public function foo() { }
> }
> class Bar extensionfor Foo {
>     public function bar() { }
> }
> (new Foo())->bar(); // execute Bar method
> I see many pros about this feature, and you can see it in C# and ObjC too.
> Shall I open for it a wiki page and start RFC discussion?
> What do you think?

I think a lot of runtime features could be useful, but require tight
integration to be "done right". Maybe a candidate for 6.0 features?

I'd personally be interested in the ability to hook built-in functions and

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