
> Because checking that the returned variable is `!== FALSE` is *way*
> better than throwing an exception, right?

Yes, it is. You can control it, unlike the exception which you can not,
unless, again, you wrap everything into try/catch on every kind of
exception possible.

> This type of thing is one of the main reasons I like PDO more than
> MySQLi.  In MySQLi I'm constantly checking return values.  In PDO I
> just wrap it all up one try/catch.  It's not like if my query fails
> I'm going to try a different one.  Most of the time it's just logging
> that something went wrong and reporting it upstream somehow.

You are using exceptions for normal flow control. It is not what
exceptions should be used for. They are called exceptions for a reason.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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