On 08/19/2012 07:07 PM, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>> I am against this. This is even more magic in PHP. Is it really that 
>> difficult to have to mark the function with a different keyword, such as 
>> "generator":
> You have a point here, but "public static final generator function
> foo()" sounds a bit long-winded to me... Also, we'd have then to decide
> which function can be marked generator and which can't (e.g., interface
> probably can't, abstract probably can't, anonymous probably can, etc.)
> which adds more complexity.
> Also, I think that people that complain about having to scan through
> huge functions to see if they're generators or not, forget one thing:
> documentation. Yes, there is a way to make the purpose of the function
> understandable to a human without having him to do computer's work.
> That's documentation. Undocumented code is broken code. Broken code is
> not a good example when we're talking about right design.

I would still like to understand what this generator keyword would
actually do. I don't see how it would work. Would a function marked
generator somehow not be allowed to return normally or to finish and not
return anything? How could this be enforced? I am completely against any
keyword that is essentially documentation-only.


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