
>>> I would expect $variable::class to work (like late static bindings).

What this would mean? ClassName::class has a clear meaning - ClassName
is a name of the class (possibly aliased) and class is the property of
this class, namely its full name. However I do not see how
$variable::class can do anything meaningful. Since namespace resolution
is static compile-time, $variable can not be anything but the full name
of the class, so what $variable::class supposed to do? Just be equal to
$variable? What's the point of such operation, what may be achieved by it?

Reference to "late static binding" is even more confusing - if you mean
that $variable is object, then the binding is not "static" - since you
have an object - and you have perfectly good get_class($variable) to do
that. Is that what you were meaning?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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