2012/10/10 Clint Priest <cpri...@zerocue.com>:
> While I agree it would be a "nice to have" it would also be un-necessary.  
> There are already ways to do precisely what is desired here by way of 
> ArrayAccess.
> class Addresses implements ArrayAccess {
>         offsetSet($offset, $value) { ... }
>         offsetGet() { ... }
>         offsetUnset($offset) { ... }
>         offsetExists($offset) { ... }
> }

This approach does not work for the use case I presented:

class Addresses implements ArrayAccess {
    public function offsetSet($offset, $address) {
        $this->_Addresses[] = $address;
        $address->Contact = $contact; // where do we get the contact from?

If we pass $contact to the Addresses instance, the class is bound to
Contact and cannot be used anymore for different associations that

* do not involve Contact
* have a different arity (one-to-many: $address->Contact = $contact,
many-to-many: $address->Contacts[] = $contact)

Consequently, we would need to create a new collection class for each
to-many association, which is neither pragmatic nor good OO design.

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