Okay, I would like this to be the last time there are revisions to this RFC.  

To sum up the last few days of conversations, I have these down as points of 

1.  Accessor functions should not be present on the object and callable 
directly, for example, $o->__getHours() should not be allowed.
2.  Preferred syntax for accessors should be "public set($value) { ... }" with 
no "magic" $value (with possible type hinting)
3.  Automatically implemented get; set; with auto-backing field should be 
eliminated as this is not necessary for PHP and is confusing most everyone.
4.  read-only / write-only keywords, keep them or get rid of them?  There is no 
directly suitable replacement but I believe a private final set() { } will take 
care of it, even though it much more verbose.  
5.  Error handling for thrown exceptions should be made more appropriate for 
6.  The "truth" of reflection.  Should it reveal details internal to how PHP 
works on the inside or should it reflect the way PHP presents it as options?

Did I miss anything?

I will come up with some way for people to vote on the issues at hand and we 
can cast our votes and be done with it, then I will finish the project and get 
it out the door.


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