
> users control. Actually, both approaches are exactly the same, the
> only difference is whether we additionally put the accessor function
> into the method table or whether we do not.

They may be almost the same technically, but very different
conceptually. Your approach means we introduce new complex concept of
not-quite-method, which can be called only in some special
circumstances, has special handling by compiler, backtraces, reflection,
tools, etc. and requires people to learn this new concept and be always
aware of it to be able to correctly operate it. My approach is that you
just have another magic method, which we already have plenty in PHP, and
does not require any new concepts introduced, and works very similar to
existing access magics.

> I still fail to see where you see complexity come into the picture.

Described above. You want to introduce new entity into PHP called
"accessor", which looks like PHP method, but lives outside of the PHP
method table, is not callable by regular means (though might be callable
by special means, but you have no way to use methods' reflection to know
if such call would succeed or not) and requires special considerations.
This is more complex than using already existing concepts, by definition
- more concepts is more complex than less concepts.

> You have mentioned inheritance checking, but from what I see the
> functions doing the inheritance check take generic zend_function*s, so
> they wouldn't have a problem dealing with code not in the method
> table. The same applies to pretty much everything else too. After all,
> there *is* a reason why we have abstractions in the engine ;)

They won't have a problem. They won't deal with these not-quite-methods.
That's exactly the problem - we already have mechanism of dealing with
inheritance, and you propose to introduce another one to deal with
additional complexity of methods not in method table.

> To me the situation is as simple as this: I declared a get accessor
> for $foo. I did not declare the method __getfoo(). So why is that
> method there?

This in not simple. You know what "accessor" is. The other 100% of PHP
users have no idea what "accessor" is. They know what methods are, they
know what magics are. So if I tell them "we have extensions of __get
that allow you to do __getFoo" - they instantly know what's going on. If
I tell them "we have accessors" - they'd have to go and read the manual
to understand what is going on and which additional restriction you
placed on them in order to force them into your preconception of

> It seems really pointless, counter-intuitive and hacky to me to
> automatically create methods that do not actually exist (not under
> that name at least).

What you mean by "do not actually exist"? Of course they exist, that's
the whole point. You will be running them, how they don't exist? You
just want hide their existence by introducing a bunch of complex checks
all over the engine under the premise that showing the user the real
methods in function table would "confuse" them. It won't. The only thing
it would do is contradict your idea that there's some definition of
"accessors" that requires them to not be methods. I see no reason for
such definition. It is an option, but having them as methods is an
option too, and in my opinion a much better one.
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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