
> Stas, you should probably do some research before posting such non-sense:

Which part is "non-sense"? I've brought you examples of Python and Ruby
not doing exactly what you claim all languages are doing. By your
definition, they don't have accessors - as you define accessors as
hidden methods that are uncallable and unavailable and not defined as
regular methods. In both Ruby and Python they are callable and defined
as regular (or regular with some special attributes) method.

I've brought you examples of popular languages that don't have this
feature at all - Java and standard C++ don't have it. I was wrong on
Javascript - though in Javascript, functions work differently from PHP
so there's no real relation to the current discussion.

> By accessors I am simply referring to getters, setters (and in the case 
> of php, issetter and unsetter).

I wish it was so, but it was mentioned many times in this discussion
that "accessors should be accessors" and that only the situation where
accessors are special functions that are not defined as regular methods,
are not callable and are hidden from reflection, etc. is the situation
where "accessors are accessors". This is not the case in Python, Ruby,
MS C++, D and Delphi by your own link - in all these cases, the
properties are defined as regular methods (possibly with some special
salt added) and no special effort is taken to hide them from any of the
language facilities and make them not callable.
Of course, there are also examples of languages going the other way -
namely, C#, F# and VB - but by no means the claim that I would be hard
pressed to find example of the languages which do not implement your
notion of "accessors being accessors" is true. For most dynamic
languages, the concept of "accessors being accessors" - hidden,
non-callable pseudo-methods - is a foreign concept.

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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