On 11/16/2012 01:34 AM, Ryan McCue wrote:
> Pierre Joye wrote:
>> Wordpress lead developer statement is rather clear: Go ahead, we will follow.
> Indeed, we have patches written already [1], but they were low priority.
> The plan is to aim for landing these in the next major version, assuming
> PHP does go ahead with this.
> [1]: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/21663

So, I am curious, why are you waiting on us for this? Is it because
ext/mysql does everything you need and you simply have no need for any
of the new and obviously better features in mysqli? I would have thought
you would have switched to mysqli years ago if it was available and only
used ext/mysql as a desperation fallback if that was all that was available.

Not a criticism, but a curiosity. This is part of why this is going to
be a very painful process no matter which path we take. It is an
extension which works just fine and will continue to work for people. I
wish we could come up with a better carrot for getting people to migrate
versus just hitting them with a stick which most people here seem to


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