Hello all,
On a pull request submitted via github, it was suggested to me that I should write an RFC about the feature that I'm proposing as well as to write about it here on the internals mail list. However, creating new pages (including RFCs) on wiki.php.net doesn't seem to be allowed for non-priviled users, so I'm forced to skip that part.

The PR in question is located at the URL below, but note that I'm no C coder and while I did test it, I'm in no way confident that it should be implemented as is. The changes just seemed simple enough to do, so I went with it. If not anything else, you should be able to understand it more easily.


What I'm proposing is that setcookie(), setrawcookie() and ext/session should send the Max-Age attribute in the Set-Cookie header, as described in RFC2109, RFC2965, RFC6265.

As shown in the subject, the absence of this attribute in PHP-generated Set-Cookie headers is also listed as a bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=23955

Another one also related: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43439

In summary - it specifies the cookie lifetime in seconds, starting from the current time. This means that it's a better solution than the Expires attribute, as the user agent doesn't need to worry about timezones and basically - it doesn't matter if its time settings are correct.

It should also be noted that 0 (zero) or any negative value means that the cookie should be immediately dropped.

Erroneous time settings is a problem for many users and for the developers of web applications that they report this supposedly as a bug and since I've personally faced such reports, I can tell - it's really hard to debug and/or figure out the problem at first. Considering this, I can imagine that this feature would solve a lot of problems.

The listed RFCs specify that both Expires and Max-Age are optional attributes, but due to the latter being relatively new - it might not be supported by all browsers. Those that don't will ignore it, BUT those that do - will give it a higher precedence. To me, that makes it perfectly safe to send both Expires and Max-Age, whenever the cookie lifetime has to be specified.

I've taken the chance to also switch the rest of the currently sent attributes from all-lowercase to the so called StudlyCaps presentation (e.g. expires -> Expires). Browsers should all match them in a case-insensitive manner, but all of the RFCs list them as proposed. In other words - this is irrelevant, why not do it for the sake of consistency?

Btw, since the patch is against 'master', while compiling it appeared that it's PHP 5.5 code in that branch. That's not intentional on my part - if it was up to me, I'd include it in the very next release. :)


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