On Jan 2, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Clint Priest <cpri...@zerocue.com> wrote:
> I've updated the Shadowing section of the RFC which I hope clears this up, it 
> also includes a slightly modified version of your example at the bottom with 
> comments.

Updated RFC really helps. The notion of $this->prop access semantics depending 
on which accessor you're in seems important for the RFC as I think it will seem 
foreign to a lot of devs.

When I make traditional PHP "accessor" methods, I have complete control; if I 
want getFoo() to set private $foo without calling setFoo(), I can. Not so with 
real accessors. Probably a good thing :)

One more concern, sorry if it was covered already: will case-insensitivity of 
methods mean you can't define getters for both $foo and $Foo?


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