On 01/15/2013 05:19 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:

> I agree that Oracle has done the Solaris market no favours and were the
> result of the death of OpenSolaris however, having said all that, Solaris 
> is a SUSv3 compliant commercial UNIX and thus one would think that
> open source code written to comply with some, or perhaps all, of the 
> typical code standards, would be portable and would "just work".
> Those old Solaris servers are still out there churning away. 

Sure, but there are very few of you and we have limited resources. We
focus those resources on the platforms used by 95% of our users. Feel
free to dig in and send us some patches. Needless to say, all of those
tests pass on Linux, FreeBSD and likely OSX as well.


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