I assume that something is functionally wrong on Symfony/O+:

Symfony, IIS, cache, PHP5.5.0devvc11: 2195
Symfony, IIS, cache, PHP5.5.0devvc11: 1919
Symfony, IIS, cache, PHP5.5.0devvc11: 2127

There was a previous report that Twig did not work at all with
optimizations enabled.


On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:15 AM, Pierre Joye <pierre....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Jan Ehrhardt <php...@ehrhardt.nl> wrote:
>> Pierre Joye in php.internals (Fri, 15 Feb 2013 09:54:03 +0100):
>>>On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Jan Ehrhardt <php...@ehrhardt.nl> wrote:
>>>> Is that the column 5.5.0devvc11 under APC -igbinary? I have a Drupal7
>>>> site running on my devserver (W2K8, Apache 2.4.3, PHP 5.3.21 TS as
>>>> mod_fcgid) and do not get the idea it is running at one third (21.9 /
>>>> 69.4) of the speed of the same site without any cache at all.
>>>No, but O+ is broken right now in ZTS, it makes no sense to do further
>>>testing before it works for more than 0.5 request ;)
>>>But running TS builds in FCGI reduces drastically the issues due to
>>>thread safety bugs, while it makes no sense to use them, fcgi and the
>>>likes should rely on NTS builds. ZTS will do all kind of locks where
>>>it is absolutely not required, that explains at least 15-20% of the
>>>perf drop, virtual paths cover the rest.
>> I will try to compare the same site side-by-side with different configs.
>> The dev-server has 4 IPv4=adresses which gives a lot of config options.
>>>>>Mediawiki is slower because it does not support yet O+ for usercache,
>>>>>along other things.
>>>> Is the same the case with Symfony?
>>>no, MediaWiki caching modules only support APC or Wincache so far.
>> Is the performance drop for Symfony in the Wincache test due to the fact
>> that wincache is optimized for IIS or are there other reasons?
> Did not analyze it yet.
> WinCache is not IIS optimized but FastCGI (read: process based). Also
> we did not enabled file IO cache, which could bring it up in line.
> But as neither APC or O+ have it, it cannot be compared.
> Cheers,
> --
> Pierre
> @pierrejoye
> --
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