Quoting Brendon Colby <bren...@newgrounds.com>:
We've invested a great deal of money in a high performance shared
storage system, so of course we want to use this system for absolutely
everything we can within reason, including sharing 1500+ PHP files to
our many web servers. I don't think most systems administrators would
find this unreasonable.

Great points Brendon!

We have a similar architectural to your setup running NetApp filers, Apache/PHP web servers performing shared hosting for over 40,000+ websites.

We pull over 35k IOPS and 80% are from PHP stats and getattr's.

Someone earlier mentioned that people now use GlusterFS as an alternative. GlusterFS native client runs like absolute crap with Apache/PHP applications in order to get reasonable performance you must use the GlusterFS NFS implementation and mount the GlusterFS using NFS.

You end up in the same performance issues using GlusterFS and PHP. More and more clustered PHP applications are using GlusterFS via NFS. Due to the getattr and stat issues in PHP it doesn't scale well in these sorts of deployments.

In order to recover some of the performance on our NetApp's we have invested in 1TB of Flash Cache which caches the majority of getattr and stat requests on the filer however there is still a performance hit as the requests still go via the network and not cached on the local client.

It would be great to see the PHP devs address this issue.

Dan Zoltak

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