On 02/21/2013 03:15 PM, Brendon Colby wrote:

> NFS is so common for sharing files that saying "Wow, people are still
> serving web files over NFS?" is like saying "Wow, people are still
> using the ls command to list directory contents on Linux?" I think NFS
> is still very widely used, even for sharing web files.

This is simply not true. I do have a fair bit of experience in this
field, and I don't know of any major sites that do this and I have
worked with a good chunk of the largest sites out there.

> I don't think the appropriate answer is "don't use NFS" because this
> is ridiculous as a long term solution (NFS is common, and people are
> going to use it or something similar). I think the appropriate answer
> is to update PHP to use stat vs. open+fstat or doing something similar
> that would be optimized for both local AND shared file systems (I
> would be writing a patch instead of this email if I could).

If it is of such importance to you and you are not able to do it
yourself, then hire someone to do it. We may or may not get around to
it, but like most things in PHP, we work on what we need ourselves and I
don't think anybody here would even consider putting all their PHP files
on an NFS share when performance was important.


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