On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Not sure I understand the question. O+ is compatible with 5.5, so you can
> use that if you like. Just install it as an ext. Just like you would have
> done with APC.
> Nikita

More than ANY other language feature, having an integrated opcode
cache (i.e., one that isn't playing catch up but is treated as a core
requirement) would help people adopt PHP 5.5 in a timely manner. APC
was buggy for quite a while after the launch of 5.4 (and know those
who worked on it worked very hard, and I actually took a look at some
of the bugs, but APC seemed to be beyond my skill set.) Knowing that
O+ is compatible with 5.5 doesn't give me confidence that it will work
well. What is the harm in delaying PHP 5.5 and trying to integrate O+
into the release?


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