
> This may sound trivial, but imagine this. Right now Zend and Symfony have
> very similar providers for certain tasks. One of the ones that comes to
> mind (besides logging) is caching. If you want to use a Zend component in
> an Symfony app while still using caching today, you'd need to shim together
> an adapter to satisfy the zend cache interface with the symfony cache
> interface. Which means your project now depends on all three, as well as
> requiring the zend cache code for the sole purpose of loading the interface
> required by the component.

This is very important purpose - it ensures that the interface is
actually correct (and remains correct), not just looks kinda sorta like
it and will break without notification in production after the next ZF

> Instead, the zend component could depend on the narrow api that it needs.
> It only calls the ->get($key) and ->set($key, $value) methods, so create a
> (new?) interface with that limited API, and then type against it as a

Do you really want to accept any object that implements methods named
"get" and "set" there, even if they don't have anything to do with
caching at all? What about an object that implements __call - would you
accept it too? If not - why not, you certainly can call get and set on it?

> This change allows for using a Class as the protocol, so you could

But class isn't a protocol (only). If you say you've got PDO object, you
expect it to be PDO object with all that docs say PDO object does, not
only functions with names that looks like ones PDO object would have. I
don't see what could I do with object all I know about is that it has
method "query". Who knows what that "query" method might do?
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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