2013/6/26 Julien Pauli <jpa...@php.net>:
> But what Sherif said proves as well the limits of the idea. PHP is not
> strongly typed. So each check, should it be type hinting or return type
> hinting, has to be done at runtime , which is bad for performances.

It doesn't mean you have to use it, just that it might be used instead
of implementing a manual check in every function/method callers, or,
alternatively, in the function/method itself.
Being done at runtime by the language will for sure not be worst for
performance than doing it manually in pure PHP.

> Not talking about the type juggling which could lead the programmer as
> shooting himself.

Sure! Hence why *if* this is taken into account, it should really be
done the same way as it is done for input parameter hinting, to not
introduce what we already don't want there.

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