Hi Sherif,

2013/6/29 Sherif Ramadan <theanomaly...@gmail.com>

> If we tried to fix all of PHP's functions to either return false always or
> return false and raise errors always we'd have to fix every single PHP
> function there is since there's absolutely no consistency there as it is.
We don't have to change them all. Whether function should raise error or
just return false determined by use case. For instance, raising error in
base64_decode() would be annoying.

> Different functions handle failure differently, and not all functions
> report every possible error they may encounter. Take functions like
> file_get_contents, for example, where it wraps other API functions that
> could RETURN_FAILURE and/or trigger the error handler, and
> file_get_contents isn't even documented to raise those errors in some cases.
> I see these as two separate problems. The first problem is clearly a
> design problem (but we can't really do much about that in the short term).
> The second is a documentation problem. Beyond that there are users that
> don't clearly understand the behavior of some functions due to the previous
> two reasons.

Third problem. There should be error/exception handling guideline for

>> Considering the use case of hex2bin(), it will not handle external inputs
>> in most cases. Therefore, it's better to raise errors invalid inputs. Do
>> you prefer not to raise errors?
> Considering the fact that we have a discussion in the bug report mentioned
> earlier (and it was an extensive discussion because not only were our users
> confused but even our core developers were confused if you read the
> responses in that bug report), I would prefer that we leave the function
> the way it is.
> The error was added for a very specific reason. People thought it was
> doing what pack('h*', $hex) does, and clearly it wasn't. So the
> documentation was also updated to make note of this and explain it to the
> user, along with the helpful error message to indicate that hex2bin('f')
> would not work.

I respect the discussion. However, it does not matter to new comers.
Raising E_WARING for bad length while simply return false for bad hex does
not make sense.

> I don't think there was ever any expectation for the user to do something
> like hex2bin('Hello World') and expect any kind of sensible result. The
> error really does not inform them of anything useful.

There is different view for this. Supplying invalid string to hex2bin() is
obvious bug or attack. It would worth to notify users there is obvious

I didn't want to take vote for such small change. I hope you've convinced.


Yasuo Ohgaki

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